Mangia Fuoco & a special request

  • Posted on: 30/08/2011
  • By:

I know, I am a little late in my post…

Last Friday, we went to eat at a “proper” restaurant, the italian way: going out at 7pm to get to the restaurant “early” at 7:30pm for dinner. Yan took me to Mangia Fuoco for my birthday; he is so niiiiice. I have to say that he didn’t had a clue of what kind of restaurant it was but the sign said “Pizza & Grill”, and he tought that is shouldn’t be too bad. In fact, the food was awesome and the staff was great. Of course Yan chose the pizza and it was the best we ever had. For my part, I was craving for a big huge juicy steak. They had on the menu beef from different countries: Scotland, Italy and Angus beef from the USA. I said to myself, why would I fly accross the ocean to have some USA beef? Of course, I chose the Italian beef… Unfortunately, they were out-of-stock on the Italian steak! [What??? Bouhou!!!] I got the Angus beef from USA instead and it was good. Next time (oh yeah, there will be a next time), I will probably choose a dish a little more Italian. My crave of steak is gone now.


The front sign at night after a bottle of wine for two.

Inside the kitchen.

The birthday girl!
(That’s the special request. Friends have been asking for a picture of me in Rome. So here it is, with all my love!)
***Yan is still wondering how he got that great shot in B&W! Ahhahahaha…

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