Our first Christmas party and New Year’s eve in Rome

  • Posted on: 01/01/2012
  • By:

I love to cook and bake; especially if I get a full house of guests.  I don’t want to brag but I am kind of good at it – so my guests say. Again, they are guests…  Maybe they say that just to make me happy…  But they keep coming back, so it would be fare to say that my skills aren’t too bad!!!  ;)

So we had a little get together in our apartment in Rome on the 26th and this is what some of the food looked like…  And it was delicious!

Turkey baluchon

Turkey "baluchon"


Salmon mousse


Vanilla panna cota and cream of chestnut mousse topped with a glazed chestnut

It is our first Christmas/New Year in Rome, quiet but interesting.  Especially the New Year’s eve… Because, they sure do love their fire crackers, cherry bombs, flash bang thingy and other KABOOM devices!!!!

Starting in the afternoon with isolated incidents, ascending the hour before, the constant rumble culmunating around midnight and lasted for about an hour after. CRAZY!!!! We felt like we were being bombarded; in the middle of a war. Some of them were so strong, the walls were shaking and alarms on cars went off.

If you want to ear what it sounded:  http://youtu.be/UqYyMhaQbXU  I said… “to ear“, not “to see” as my video skills aren’t that great!  ;)

As I said, very interesting!

On this note, I wish you an amazing and full of surprises year 2012.



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