In order to raise funds for the sick kids, I offered a photo session to the Corporation des femmes d’affaires du Saguenay‘s Silent Auction and Vickie got the upper hand on the prize. Vickie is a young woman who never stops. She is the communication and marketing assistant for the Orchestre symphonique du Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean. She is the writer/artistic director/actress for the theatre troupe Frasqc productions; with the play “Gueule de bois” that I had the great pleasure to see at the beginning of the year. In one year the troupe raised $6000 for Soli-Can. She is currently preparing a new play, “Mauvaise graines“, which will be presented on 30 and 31 January 2015 at the Café-Théâtre Côté-Cour of Jonquière. She is also in the process of initiating a major project in order to promote the culture in Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean: Culte C. Apart from all her edifying activities, Vickie is, first and foremost, the mother of a cute little one that she loves. I might have the opportunity to photograph her next pregnancy, who knows… Thus, despite her already busy schedule, she took an afternoon to come and get photographed by yours truly. Vickie is funny and friendly, but she is timid and reserved in front of a lens, so it was an honour for me to photograph her. I was surprised when she put on this beautiful blue dress and I took this opportunity to explore a more fashionable approach with Vickie It is not always easy to be photographed. For some, it takes courage as one could feel vulnerable in front of a camera. Nonetheless, Vickie came to the studio with an open mind. Her only goal was to be able to let it herself go in front of my camera and to get photographs that looks like her. I think I succeeded in providing her photos that illustrates many facets of her personality. I hope you are enjoying your summer! Z…