About Judith Gravel, Artist

Judith Gravel, artiste photographe

Hello and welcome to my colourful universe!

The art
You will find here my creations: different format and medium of artworks. If you are looking for unique and colourful pieces, you are at the right place!

I like to work with diversely forms of art and experiment with techniques. Sometimes, I will impose myself with a theme.  Other times, I will let paintbrushes and spatulas speak for themselves. I am often inspired by bright colours.

For those of you who are more adventurous and who wants to live a creative experience, I offer painting workshops for small groups and non-profit organizations.

The blog
It is meant to be a place to share on mediums, techniques and news. If there is a product you would like me to comment, you can contact me by email.

I am originally from the province of Québec (Canada). I have lived in Rome (Italy) for almost two years, lived in Ontario (Canada) for 10 years, and now I am back in Québec (Canada). I would say that I am an experienced traveler; I travelled 14 countries.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mentioned that I have the most amazing & supportive husband anyone could ask for! He was my model for a photograph I won a contest with and sometimes I leave him take the credit for.  ;) He even go as far as being my mannequin when I create outfits but I doubt you will ever see this…

I am an animal lover. I have two brown chocolate Labrador that I love so much: Syrius and Sothïs. They often help me in my work; either by being models or by sporting tulle leftovers.  I also have a wonderful little cat named Naeemah. She is a rescue from the extraordinary non-profit organization SOS Stérilisation in Saguenay.

Finally, I consider myself very lucky to be able to do what I love every day : creating unique, beautiful and colourful artwork to enliven your living or work space.

Why Z…?
When I was a kid, my insightful cousins nicknamed me: Zazoo (Zazou). They though it was cute and I am pretty sure they didn’t know the definition: During World War II in France, Zazous were eccentric young adult who loved jazz and wore oversized clothing and long hair (against fabric rationing and the Vichy decree), often carrying umbrellas that they wouldn’t open. Can I tell you I hated that nickname? Nonetheless, it got stuck with me. Then, with time and “maturity” (heu-hummm), I started loving it and using it as my e-mail addresses and as my artist’s signature.

You can find my artist resume here.
1st prize at the DND photography contest in 2012, category “Portrait”
2nd prize at the DND photography contest in 2012, category “Special Effects”
Participation in the Eastern Ontario Photography Show, a show and contest by nomination presented by the Prince Edward County Arts Council in 2010
Obtaining a Certificate in photography in 2008

I hope you will be inspired to follow me or maybe to create your own masterpiece! Do not hesitate contact me, on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest or through the form below, to ask questions or just to say “Hi!”. I would love to hear from you.


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