News… A lot of news!

  • Posted on: 21/11/2012
  • By:

Hi there!

Yes, it is me… I know it has been a while and, hopefully, this unexpected “silence” won’t happen again. Yan and I had a traffic accident and we are just getting back on our feet. So that’s it for the bad news.


Good news, now!

I am so thrilled to have won in two categories in the 2012 DND Photography Contest.  Yan helped me winning the first place in the novice portrait category with is silly smile…  You have seen this one in (My) Man Portraits post; it was part of the square collage.



Then, my picture of the Fontana di Trevi won second place in the novice special effects category.  If you are wondering why it is in the “special effects” category, only because it hasn’t been taken in one shot.  It is actually a composition of 13 images stitched all together.  The rules were very strict about image manipulation/alterations; which is totally okay with me.


*** This is very important***

There is the People Choice Award that is going on now until 25 November 2012.  YOU and I could win an IPad 2!  So, please, visit the website and vote for your favourite photograph (hopefully, it will be mine).   Be careful, you can only vote once.  On a side note, it will make Yan very happy if I win…  because it would mean that he could get his back!    ;)


That’s it for this post.  I have a lot of pictures in store for you and a lot of catch up.  So please, give me a little more time to get this sorted out.  I will write again soon – I promise!






1 Comment

  1. Lucie Gallant · 22/11/2012


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