I should be writing more often but…

  • Posted on: 03/11/2011
  • By:

I don’t feel like it.  I am not sure if this blog is the right place to share these thoughts but…  I will do it anyway.

I still think that being posted to Italy is one of the most amazing opportunity that can happen to someone but…  I have been feeling frustrated about pretty much everything “Italian” for the last couple of weeks.  I know it is normal to feel that you are not fitting in when you just move to an other country but…  it seems that I cannot shake it off.  I know I promised I would share photographs of Florence and Pisa weeks ago but…  I did not.  I went to the Abruzzo last week-end, the scenery was amazing but…  my photos are still in my camera.  I went on a superb walk with my new friend on Tuesday night but…  I left my camera in my bag.  There was a lot of opportunities but… I did not take any photos.  This is not good…

So this is what is going on with me right now.  This is why you have not seen any new posts lately.  This is why I sent an e-mail to my closest friends last night to wish them a good night because I miss them so much.

BUT…  this is where I have to stop procrastinating, get back on my feet and get this going.

I was thinking of ending this post with a “Sorry…” instead of my usual signature (this is so Canadian), but…  you know what?  This is who I am.  And if you follow my blog, you have to suffer my blubber at least once! Therefore, here it is…   ;)


Well, I could not post and not share a picture. AND… it is funny because every time I tried to post this picture, it never fits the style of the other images. AND… it just fits perfectly here. ;)

1 Comment

  1. Yan Frenette · 03/11/2011

    Just to let you all know, Judith is doing fine … hard to get in the Italian mind set but she will conquere like when she wanted to be scuba diver, rock clibing supervisor, professional photographer and so on and so forth. The new country is very different than St-Leonard or the little italy in Toronto but she will find her place and will be hard to remove and bring back to Canada. Don`t worry, she is in good hand.

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