Profile Pix

  • Posted on: 05/07/2012
  • By:

I have a new profile picture!!!  Took by my lovely husband, here is one more shot that I really like.

Portrait Judith Gravel

On an other subject, I just got back from SLOvenia.  I am writing on and processing the images from our trip.  If no major storm hits Italy, it will be posted on Monday.  ;)





  1. Hélène Noiseux · 06/07/2012

    Tu es très belle.

  2. Nancy · 07/07/2012

    Hi Judith!!

    You look fabulous my dear! Amazing picture! You look so happy. :) Yan and Italy must be treating you very well! :) Miss you around here. Lots of changes in my life. Send me a quick email at work and I’ll give you the update. I can’t find your email address. oops!

    Talk to you soon! Take care my friend.

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