Mélanie – Women contemporary portrait

  • Posted on: 18/09/2013
  • By:

This is Mélanie.

Judith Gravel, photographe, portrait de femmes, Saguenay - Lac Saint-Jean, à Chicoutimi


I met Mélanie in one of her previous life, 10 years ago, in Ontario.  In fact, we saw each other two or three time before moved back in Lac Saint-Jean.  For some reasons, unknown to both of us, we kept in touch regardless the thousands of kilometres that separated us and after several relocations on my part.

Mélanie was one of the first to know that I was moving back to Canada and in her native region.  I was so happy to finally see her again and she couldn’t believe it.  Her response to my message said it all: “Seriously?!!!!!!  I would have bet that, the two of us, it was not over.  Hihihi Yeah!”  Indeed…

Judith Gravel, photographer, women contemporary portrait, Saguenay - Lac Saint-Jean, in Chicoutimi

Mélanie has big heart, like that.  Did you see how big it is?  Big – Like that!  ;)

Sometimes, help doesn’t come from where you would think it would.  Without knowing, Mélanie has been a source of inspiration in the development of my project of owning a photography studio.  She immediately understood what my project was about, she knew what to say to guide me and the idea of the red shaggy carpet in my studio, it is hers.  Moreover, she is an extraordinary model; photographing her was like we had worked together for years.  I consider myself to be very lucky because, in the last six months, we have seen each other twice as often than in the last ten years (despite our very busy schedules) and, each time, it was so enjoyable…  I am sure our friendship is at the beginning of its story and it makes me very happy to know this amazing girl.

So, if you ever start a business, I wish you have a friend like her; with a heart big like that!

Thanks my friend!

Judith Gravel, photographe, portrait de femmes, Saguenay - Lac Saint-Jean, à Chicoutimi



1 Comment

  1. Julie Duchesne · 18/09/2013


    Tes photos sont magnifiques, comme toujours! Tout comme le modèle d’ailleurs! Wow!

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