(My) Man portraits

  • Posted on: 22/07/2012
  • By:

I had to do Yan’s portrait for his ID card and, since he was already in the “mood” to let me take photos, I made him dress up a little and (ab)used him.  I have to say, he his the worse person EVER to take picture of: he can’t stand still, he always has to play silly, he cannot follow direction and insists in doing his “I am a tiger” pose.  A nightmare!!!  ;)


Man funny portraits

Yep, the last one is his “I am a tiger” pose….  Oh, and he even roar doing it!  (I am shaking my head)  ;)


Moreover, the twins aggravated the situation when they decided that they wanted to know what all this was about.  To make my life easier, I included them in some of the shots which help keep everyone in line for maybe 30 seconds.


Man portrait


At the end, I was able to take a few good shot of him.


Man Portrait


I prefer to process men’s photograph in black and white, or in very desaturated tones, with more contrast.  I found that it suits them much better and bring up their masculine features.


To finish this post, this is my favourite shot of my man.  By the way, did you get the subtleties in my title???   Hahaha….



Favourite man portrait



  1. Cathie Donovan · 23/07/2012

    Judith, these portraits are amazing. The photo of Yan with the twins is an award winner. They are all very good but my two favourites are the the one with the twins and the one below that (serious mood). I am not good at portraiture – Brian is also not a good subject at all, too impatient.

  2. Suzanne · 23/07/2012

    Très bonnes photos. Les contrastes font ressortir les yeux, ce qui donne beaucoup d’expression. Félicitation

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