When Germany’s highways close…

  • Posted on: 17/03/2012
  • By:

It was our second time in Geilenkirchen, Germany and I was almost dreading this part of our trip.  There is nothing there.  Nothing interesting to see, no good restaurant, no museum, no shopping mall… It is truly a boring place.  B.O.R.I.N.G!!!  Add to that that Yan is a “A to B route without a C stop” kind of guy and he loves his GPS on “fastest route”.  You now understand why I didn’t had any expectation from this trip.

How happy I was when, on our way back from Köln, the highway closed and we had to cut through the back roads?  Very!

So we ended up in the tiny little village of Hülcrath; I think there was only 20 houses in the whole village.


And we found a real CASTLE: Schloss Hülcrath.


A real castle with its own bridge, river and ducks.   I am telling you: the whole shebang.


Just to finish this post: details of a house in Hülcrath.

Ausfahrt!   Oh, oops…  Enjoy!


1 Comment

  1. Cathie Donovan · 21/03/2012

    What a wonderful discovery! Lovely old town and great shots, of course xx

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